Theory Test Pro

If you would like to gain free access to this amazing resource please speak with me on your next lesson!

Theory Test Pro contains all the official revision test questions licensed from the DVSA, the people who set the tests.

  • Access everything from your desktop, tablet or smartphone.
  • Track your progress - We show you how well you’re doing and in which topics so you know what you need to revise.
  • Discuss your progress with me, we can work on improving your chance of passing your theory test through real life situations.

Hazard Perception Test

Theory Test Pro also includes the Hazard Perception test. 

You’ll get access to the complete Hazard Perception test so you can practice and see exactly what it is you need to do to pass first time.


Multiple Choice Questions 
Pass Mark

43 out of a total of 50

Hazard Perception
Pass Mark

44 out of a total of 75

Your pass certificate number lasts for 2 years.

You must pass your driving test in that time, otherwise you’ll have to pass the theory test again.